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Choose your pricing plan
Bloom2Learn Term
8,000$Perfect for learning & practicing concepts with coachingValid for 5 months- Bloom2Learn Staff Development Programs
Bloom2Learn Year
15,000$Perfect for a year-long cycle of learningValid for 10 months- Bloom2Learn Staff Development Programs
Initial IEP Process
3,000$For initial referrals for special education servicesValid for 3 months- Student Learning Consultancy & Advocacy
Annual IEP-NewClient
1,000$For new clients with an upcoming Annual IEPValid for 3 months- Student Learning Consultancy & Advocacy
3-Year/Re-Eval New
2,500$For any client with an upcoming 3-Year or Re-Evaluation IEPValid for 4 months- Student Learning Consultancy & Advocacy
Initial 504 or SST
100$For students needing 1st formal planValid for one month- Student Learning Consultancy & Advocacy
Single Session - New
1,000$New clients interested in a single session for their staffValid for one week- Bloom2Learn Staff Development Programs
Follow-Up Session
750$Follow-up session for existing clientsValid for one week- Bloom2Learn Staff Development Programs
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